The 5 Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes (Mistake #2)

Would you like to learn about the 5 biggest weight-loss mistakes that you are making right now and how to avoid them?

If the answer is YES, you are in the right place. 

Fitpass is supporting your physical wellbeing and I am here to help you fuel your body for peak performance and optimal racing weight by teaching you all about eating the right food at the right time.

As a nutritionist I see clients making the same dietary and lifestyle mistakes all over again. 

Restrictive dieting, cheat meals, overeating, wrong food combinations or obsessive calorie counting.

Athletes want to reach ideal racing weight with minimal body fat percentage, and they struggle for the same reasons as nonathletes. 

Let’s look at mistake #2  

You are buying low-fat products, or you avoid nuts & butter with a good intention to keep the calories low. 

I know it seems counter-intuitive, but some fat can help you burn fat and make you feel full for longer. 

There is a big difference between saturated fat from animal products (which can only be burned for energy or stored as FAT) and unsaturated fat from nuts and seeds and cold-pressed oils.

Your body depends on omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids and can’t produce it on its own.

  • 1/4 of your brain is made of omega 3 and a deficiency leads to poor memory and concentration. 
  • Your hormones need omega 3 as building blocks to prevent mood swings, depression, PMS, sugar cravings and weight gain.
  • Your skin & arteries need good fat for cell membrane elasticity. 
  • Fats act as carriers and help to absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

By now you know why you need to eat unsaturated fat. It is easy to include small fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines) into your meal plans. 

What about mixing a handful of seeds (flax seeds, pumpkin seeds) into your breakfast or sprinkle on your salad? 

Cut 1/2 avocado into your salad to feel fuller for longer. 

One handful of almonds with an apple as a snack? 

So easy isn’t it?

I love to eat buckwheat pancakes with cinnamon and baked apples fried in coconut oil and add peanut butter on top for extra protein and fat. 

The good fat in the right amount doesn’t make you fat!

Check our blog post out the mistake #1 Blood Glucose Imbalance

Need a nutritional consultation?

Picassoplatz 4, 4052 Basel, Switzerland

+33785191727 or +41792408699